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SHEROES of the Bible tells the inspiring stories of 26 heroic women from the Bible who overcame their fears through their faith and trust in God.
Every woman’s story is unique and each of their fears were different, but as they chose to trust God, their lives changed forever! At the end of each story are 3-4 devotional questions to help kids process, reflect, and implement their faith.
It all started with a simple question from my daughter. We were on our way to church when my then seven-year-old daughter said,
“Mom, can I ask you a question?”
I said, “Of course!”
She then curiously asked,
“Does God think boys are more important than girls?”
I was entirely caught off guard by her question.
I said, “What?! Why would you ask that?”
She said plainly,
“Well, it seems like God thinks boys are more important than girls because all we ever learn about in church are boys.”
Her question struck me like lightning! I knew I had to do something to answer her question. I decided I would buy her a book about the women of the Bible that we could read together. I had always loved the strong, dynamic women in the Bible, such as Deborah, Jael, Ruth, Mary Magdalene, Lydia, and Priscilla. I hopped online to find a book to purchase, but surprisingly, there were only three books to choose from.
I couldn’t believe it! No wonder my daughter felt like women were not as important. No one was talking about them!
Unfortunately, the three books I found portrayed these Biblical women as quiet, timid, Caucasian princesses.
But in actuality, the women in the Bible were warriors, moms, widows, prophets, and more. Historically, they were not princesses, and they were certainly not Caucasian. They were just normal, average, everyday people. That is what makes their stories so empowering! These women dealt with fears like most of us and were on their own spiritual journeys, learning how to trust God in difficult circumstances.
It was then that I realized there were probably other children who had the same questions as my daughter, even if they hadn’t necessarily articulated them. I wanted all children, not just my daughter, to live free from the spirit of Fear and to say, “If God did amazing things for those women, He can do that for me!” And SHEROES of the Bible was born.

5 out of 5 stars The power to change a life!
“This book is so powerful, and the illustrator did an amazing job bringing the words to life in each image. Lauren does an amazing job writing this book for young girls. Each story is packed with different types of women who God used in all different circumstances. Every girl will love these stories and will be drawn in by the challenges these women face and then overcome with God. My daughter loves it, and I would encourage any parents, grandparents or even those who just want to empower young girls to buy a few copies of this book.”
5 out of 5 stars Powerful book, great as a mentoring tool.
“A book for all ages, so well written the stories and beautiful illustrations make the stories come to life. A great job of bringing value and perception to young girls lives and showing God has a plan for their life. Even though my two granddaughters (and one soon to be by marriage) are young adults, I bought all three the book and they were all thrilled with it and have plans to use it to mentor young girls.”
5 out of 5 stars We love this book!
“We love this book! I ordered SHEROES of the Bible for my 5- and 7-year-old and they love all the stories. This book is well written, the pictures are beautiful, and the content is biblical. It brings me so much joy to hear my 7-year-old reading these bible stories to my 5-year-old and to hear them talking about how they want to be strong and not afraid like the mighty women in the bible. I highly recommend this book!”
“This is a well-written, beautifully illustrated book about some incredible women of the Bible. Primarily for elementary age, but I say it’s great for all ages. My favorite is Hannah, who had to deal with a heartbreaking challenge of infertility yet offers us an example of persevering prayer. Each true story is very sweetly told. Highly recommend this book!”
5 out of 5 stars Brings stories to life
“We love SHEROES. My daughter is 5 and loves this book. It is a part of our bedtime story go-to. I am always amazed at how Lauren takes these stories that happened in the Bible and brings new meaning to them by vividly writing with detail. I love that we have a book like this, honoring amazing women in the Bible for my girly to read. So thankful Lauren wrote this!”
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book for both girls and boys!
“This book was well written and can be used for a school curriculum as well as a wonderful bible storybook! Moms and dads as well as grandma’s and grandpa’s can use this book to read to their girls and boys to show that God used women and girls as hero’s as well as men and boy’s! I think this is a great read and am happy to have SHEROES of the Bible in my personal selection of books."

“…But because the midwives feared God,
they refused to obey the King’s orders…” Exodus 1:17 (NLT)
“It’s a boy!” shouted Shiphrah to her friend, Puah, and to the baby’s mother. A precious new baby had just been born into the world! Shiphrah and Puah loved their jobs as midwives—helping babies be born safely and then taking care of the new mothers.
The baby’s parents smiled at each other with happiness, but they exchanged worried looks, too. They were both excited and afraid at the same time.
The new parents, and the midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, were Hebrews. They lived in Egypt, the land of the pyramids.
Although Egypt was not their home, the king of Egypt—called “Pharaoh,” liked the Hebrews so much that he gave them his best land to build their villages.
While they were living in Egypt, God blessed the Hebrews with so many children that it was hard to count them all. Each family had babies and then those babies grew up and had more babies. Before you knew it, the Hebrews were more numerous than the Egyptians!
During this time, the Pharaoh who had loved the Hebrew people died, and a new Pharaoh came into power. This new ruler became afraid that the Hebrews were growing too quickly in strength and numbers, and he thought to himself, “What if they take over Egypt? I have to make sure that doesn’t happen!”
So, Pharaoh made the Hebrews his slaves, in order that they wouldn’t get too powerful for the Egyptians. He made the Hebrews work hard day and night in the hot desert sun without being paid. They were forced to build the Egyptians’ homes and kingdom. They had to make bricks out of the clay that covered the ground, and their taskmasters beat them if they didn’t make enough. To make things worse, the Egyptians forced the Hebrew slaves to deliver the bricks on heavy carts that they had to push by hand. Doesn’t that sound terrible?
Even though life was very hard for the Israelites, God continued to bless them with more and more children. The more they suffered, the more babies they had!
When it was time for the Hebrew mothers to give birth to their babies, they would call for special nurses called “midwives,“ who would come to their homes and help them. Shiphrah and Puah were the two lead nurses who oversaw all the other nurses in Egypt. They had a big job; they made sure that all the babies born were delivered healthy.
The Pharaoh continued to be fearful of how many Hebrew boys were being born. He wasn’t worried about the girls, just the boys, because he thought the boys would grow up and form an army to fight against him. So he made a plan to get rid of all the Hebrew boy babies as soon as they were born. He called Shiphrah and Puah to his palace and commanded them,
“Every time you help a Hebrew woman have a baby, if it’s a boy, kill him, but if it’s a girl, let her live. That way we can stop the Hebrews from taking over Egypt.”
Shiphrah and Puah feared if they didn’t do what the Pharaoh told them, he might kill them. But they loved God more than they feared the Pharaoh. Shiphrah and Puah knew that something must be done to stop this horrible order from taking place, and they knew that as the lead midwives, they were the only ones who could do anything about it. Shiphrah and Puah were about to follow God’s plan and become SHEROES!
Shiphrah and Puah were in charge of many other midwives, so they gathered all who they knew loved God and told them the Pharaoh’s terrible plan. All the women bravely agreed to save the Hebrew boy babies from being killed. They knew that every time they saved a baby boy, they were risking their own lives, but they couldn’t stand by while innocent children were hurt!
This was their plan: each time a Hebrew woman gave birth to a baby, the nurses made sure to do all they could to help her deliver a healthy child—boy or girl. The mothers of the babies then risked punishment or even death by bravely hiding the baby boys from the Egyptians.
After a while, the Pharaoh ordered Shiphrah and Puah to come and see him at his palace. “Why are there still Hebrew boys being born?” he thundered.
They stood frozen in fear. Cleverly, they told him, “The Hebrew women are so strong that the babies are already born before we get there!” And the Pharaoh believed them.
Shiphrah and Puah, and many midwives and mothers, made the choice to trust God in spite of their fear of the Pharaoh. They saved countless lives, including a boy named Moses. God had an amazing plan to one day use Moses to rescue His people, the Hebrews, from slavery in Egypt and bring them to a beautiful new land – a land where they were free.
Moses would lead the way for the greatest rescuer the world has ever known—Jesus!

What is a SHERO?
S-atisfied only in God – SHEROES want the Lord more than anything else in this world. They hunger and thirst for more
of God, just like we hunger and thirst for food and water.
H-eart to do what He asks – SHEROES find joy in doing what God asks them to do and they love to tell everyone what
He has done for them.
E-ars to hear Him speak – SHEROES listen to what God says in all situations.
R-escuer – SHEROES believe that God is their rescuer and they do not let fear stop them from helping rescue others.
O-bedience – SHEROES let go of what they want so they can do what God says is best. They are brave and courageous
as they trust God.


Why is this Curriculum Essential?
I know the children in your life will be inspired by the stories of these heroic women. This curriculum was made to be used alongside the children’s book, SHEROES of the Bible, which is sold separately.
SHEROES of the Bible was written after a conversation I had with my then 7-year-old daughter, Kyah. We were on our way to church when she said, "Mom, I have a question…why are boys more important than girls?" She continued, "It seems like God thinks boys are more important than girls because all we learn about in church are boys."
Her question ran through my head and heart for the next several days. I wanted Kyah to know her importance as a daughter of God and for her to know that God values girls and has a great plan for their lives, just as He does for boys.
There are many women mentioned throughout the Bible and I couldn’t believe she had only heard of a few. The Lord had a personal relationship with each of these women and He loved to watch them respond in faith and trust Him when He asked them to do something.
Over the next few weeks, I began to teach Kyah stories in the Bible about women who trusted God and did amazing things because of their love for Him. Kyah treasured hearing about how these women lived. She begged me every night for another story. I couldn’t write fast enough for her! Kyah wanted to be just like the women in the Bible. She wanted to be a SHERO— a girl who is a hero. She wanted to be brave and courageous and to live her life for God.
If Kyah felt God valued boys more than girls, I knew other children probably felt the same way. It is imperative that every child knows that God loves to demonstrate His power through all people – boys, girls, men, and women – not just in history, but today!
This is how “SHEROES of the Bible” came to be. I pray that as you share these stories with the children in your life, they will know that God can do mighty things through them!
Included in the SHEROES Curriculum
The SHEROES of the Bible Curriculum provides 20 weeks of stories, discussion questions, activities, and service projects. Every week, you and your group will dive into a new story and learn how God moved in and through the lives of these women. Each of these SHEROES were regular people like you and me, but they became SHEROES when they chose to put their faith into action. These women all experienced difficult things in their lives but they made the choice to believe that God was bigger than their circumstances. Because they chose faith over fear, they changed history.
Every Week Includes:
1. One to two opening questions for group discussion.
2. Dialogue to introduce the SHERO of the week.
3. Small group or largegroup discussion questions.
4. Group prayer
5. Scripture from the story
6. A suggested craft activity, some with accompanying project print.
7. Coloring pages for every SHERO with and without scriptures.
8. Wordsearch puzzles for every SHERO
9. Wordsearch ANSWER KEYS
10. Service project suggestions related to each SHERO's theme.
SHEROES of the Bible Curriculum Women of the Bible: New Testament
This curriculum pairs with the children’s book SHEROES of the Bible, SOLD SEPARATELY
Lessons from SHEROES of the Bible
Old Testament Women:
Shiphrah and Puah
Jochebed, Miriam, and The Egyptian Princess
Deborah and Jael
Ruth and Naomi
Lessons from SHEROES of the Bible
New Testament Women:
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Photini (Woman at the Well)
Martha and Mary
Mary Magdalene